Probably you have played or heard the name of the game GTA, pretty much the same. Web 3 is the project that is mainly funded by Facebook and the man who runs it, that simulates a world in the virtual mode. Long story short, just like the trading that we earlier discussed to be more virtual after a thousand worth of years and the human race decided hey it is a nice way to save up trees and have more security, they did the same for the living in the world, yup. But what is it? How does it affect us? How do you use it?
If you are a little into the internet stuff, you may have heard the name of web3. Note: remember to not mistake the BEP-2 for BEP-20 as they are 2 complete different set of standards. So you may have figured out that the BEP-20 means the standard for the smart chain binance or better known as BSC as you might see in the internet or among crypto people, so here is a formal introduction:īEP-20 is the standard of the entire tokens on the binance smart chain network meaning every token coded and made on this network is upholding this standard as they are being traded or bought or sold.